Derek Moss at the Helm of Lawrence Royal Ark Mariners
19th November 2014
Lawrence Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners welcomed the Assistant Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Ian Nairn R.A.M.G.R. to their recent Installation Meeting.
Together with over thirty Royal Ark Mariners, Worshipful Brother Ian Nairn witnessed the Installation of the Senior Warden Bro. Derek Moss as Commander of the Lodge.
Ian Nairn, Derek Moss Vic Norris
The Installation was exceptionally well worked by W.Bro. Vic Norris in a warm, friendly and smooth manner, enjoyed by all present.
The Lodge were also honoured to have in attendance a Member of the Grand Masters Royal Ark Council R.W.Bro. Tom Jackson, whilst he is a member of the Lodge his attendance was much appreciated by all present.
Worshipful Brother Ian Nairn R.A.M.G.R., at the appropriate moment congratulated all who had taken part, wishing them well, at the same time encouraging their enjoyment of all their masonic activities lastly thanking them for the donation supporting the West Lancs Mark Charities also for the donation to Chorley Masonic Hall Building Fund, which as all Masonic Halls, need our support!
The Festive Board was a lively affair with the Brethren enjoying excellent food and good company in pleasant surroundings. At a suitable interlude a raffle was held which once again showed the generosity of Royal Ark Mariners.

As the end of the evening W.Bro. Derek Moss wished everyone well, thanking them for their support.

Report and Photograph by W.Bro. Paul Snape